Network Events API

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Test Cases

Test Case API Endpoint Suggested Test Case Expected Result
1 GET /version Retrieve the API version/ Test API connectivity API version returned
2 GET /events Retrieve events impacting your service List of future planned, current and recent planned and unplanned events that impact the service provider’s services.
3 GET /events Retrieve events impacted by an outage on a particular Chorus network element id A list of future planned, current and recent planned and unplanned events, which are impacted by an outage of the specified network element for which the service provider’s services are impacted, are returned.
4 GET /events Retrieve events with a matching service id that impact a service provider’s service. A list of events which are expected to, or have impacted a specified service are returned.
5 GET /events/{eventId} Retrieve full event details Full event details are retrieved for the specified event (identified by Chorus event ID).
6 GET /events/{eventId}/impact Retrieve services impacted by an event Links returned will allow subsequent download of most recent services impact notifications provided for given event, by organisation and impact type.
See the Support & FAQs section for a description of the separation of the response, by impact type and sub-entity, and when this will occur.
7 GET /events/{eventId}/impactDownload Retrieve services impacted by an event for a given organisation and impact type CSV download of most recent services impact notifications provided for a given event, by organisation and impact type.
